Custom website design services

Custom website design services


The creation of an effective professional website in responsive design requires careful preparation and obligations of means, both at the level of the web agency and within the company wishing to invest in a web project. It is common to see companies underestimate the time necessary for the preparation of the file, the digital strategy to be put in place or even web writing, a priority criterion for natural referencing.


The main objective of a “showcase” type website is to use the internet media as a showcase for your business and therefore to present your activities, your services, your references and other news.


A “catalog” type website is a website presenting in detail part or all of your company’s product or service catalog without offering an e-commerce service.


E-commerce is also called an electronic commerce site or online sales site and corresponds to a set of commercial transactions carried out remotely on your website through electronic interfaces.


The creation of your tailor-made site allows you to create a unique website in terms of functionalities and is part of projects with a global communication strategy .


It allows you to manage several sites from a single interface. The implementation of a multisite strategy increases the visibility of your services and products on the Internet.


The CMS content manager is an administration area allowing people or hierarchical groups to edit and update the content of a website.

The sites developed by Web Solution Way use open source PHP technology.

This universal PHP language used by the majority of professional developers has the advantage of not being linked to a single interlocutor, and if necessary of being able to call on another webmaster to take over a website without difficulty. The CMS ( content management system ) is the tool that allows you to be autonomous in the management of your website, it is intuitive, clear, easy to use and allows the addition of a range of customizable modules. It has also been developed taking into account referencing standards, including the reduction of codes allowing a faster download of the site (priority element for referencing). Everyone handling a hosting service website can now integrate the website with WHMCS as it automates most of the business tasks and use custom whmcs development services to design the website simply.

Each page is editable via the TinyMCE tool (similar to Microsoft Word), allowing the editing of text, typography, color and other alignment as well as the addition of images, video or even PDF. Our web solutions contain several native modules and allow the subsequent integration of bespoke additional modules, complementary languages ​​and different themes. Our company, SEO expert, is mainly recognized for developing sites in symbiosis with natural referencing.

Site ownership

As stipulated in our price offers, the customer becomes the owner of his site and his codes after full payment of the invoices related to the development.

Website creation must always be strategic

It is sometimes complex to make a site easy for the visitor to use, which is why Web Solution Way has set up working protocols adapted to the different types of sites developed within its web agency. Independently of the identification of your needs through debriefings before and during the realization of your website, we research with you what will be the most efficient strategy in order to capture the “good prospects” and the best way to bring them to enter. in your sales cycle. Before the graphic design of your future website, ergolayout (ergonomic layout without design) are produced for each type of page in order to optimize profitability and conversion rate.

Website creation in “Responsive Design”

Responsive Design has become the essential element in the creation of professional website. In order to respond to this “User experience” (in a digital context, the way a website is perceived and felt by its users in terms of ergonomic qualities), the development of the site in Responsive Design involves the graphic variation of the site in several formats “Standards”. More information about responsive design .
